Project Title
Adult Acute Mental Health Facility at University Hospital Galway
HSE West, University Hospital Galway
Project Details
The new mental health unit is a two-storey building of 4,700 square meters that is phase 2 of a plan costing €15m. It has some fifty bedrooms for patients with a large suite of supporting rooms and services. The project is to be completed in September 2017.
Lotts Architecture designed the landscape works for the project. The lead architects are O’Connell Mahon as part of a design-build arrangement with BAM building contractors. This was for a large inpatient courtyard, a courtyard for short-term patients and a courtyard for elderly patients on the first floor. The design sought to provide a variety of hard and soft landscape textures and forms to give interest to patients and carers working in the building throughout the year. Services provided were landscape design, detail and site inspections